Our Water Matters

My educational background includes a Bachelor of Science from Cornell University in Nutritional Biochemistry; a Doctor of Medicine from Howard University. I was a Clinical Dietitian at Daughters of Jacob Nursing Home, Dietary Program Director for the Nursing Home's Adult Day Care Program, a Medical Doctor at Boston Medical Center Department of Orthopedics, and a Published Researcher.

I began this journey from having an empty water trough. I fought to maintain the rate freeze. I put policies in so every Director can participate. I helped increase community participation and transparency by bringing back the Finance Committee and adding an Irrigation and Grants Committee. I held public outreach with townhalls.

As a Region 3 Board member of ACWA and as a participant in workgroups, legislative hearings, meetings with County, State, and Federal officials, I have fought for the Divide to keep our area rural, maintain our watershed, and promote protection from wildfire.

The District has maintained a budget surplus of over a million dollars each year. I added CIP years 5 to 10 for fire mitigation, water infrastructure, and revenue generation projects. I am running again because our water matters. I am running so our community can have clean, affordable water. I am running so our rates can provide a sustainable delivery system without putting an undue burden on the ratepayer.

I will continue to work alongside the community, staff, and fellow Board members with respect and cooperation.

I would be honored to have your vote, and we will shape our water district together.